Our ability to discern spirits and expose and overthrow every subtle scheme of the enemy is indispensable in the intensity of this season.
Featured speakers:
- Ken Fish
- Phil Mason
- Maria Mason
What you will receive
You will receive an email with a download link for these 5 workshops:
1. The Battle For Sensitivity – Maria Mason
The partnership between discernment and sensitivity is paramount. We discern God’s voice and the moving of the Spirit via trained senses. Some prophetic people are discerners, some are knowers, some are feelers, and some are seers! It’s time to identify the prophetically sensitive and encourage cultures of sensitivity in our communities.
2. What is Discernment? – Ken Fish
Why do we need it, how do we develop it, and what are the advantages of it?
3. Discernment in Action – Ken Fish
Let’s look at the practical applications of the discernment realm. This will sharpen you to know the season we are in!
4. Understanding the Gnostic Spirit.
Gnosticism emerged in the first century as a rival movement to apostolic Christianity. With its focus on knowledge (gnosis) the Gnostic spirit continues to entice believers into an aberration of the historic Christian faith, drawing them away from love for one another to a sense of superiority over others through higher revelation. Gnosticism continues to entice Charismatics away from the simple gospel. Phil to pray for discernment.
5. Where we are Headed, – Ken Fish
Discerning Spirits with Wisdom and Spiritual Gifts!