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The Glory Community | Book Two – The Beauty of Heaven on Earth


SKU: Maria Carmel Mason - MMB02 Categories: , Tags: , ,


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In community we have the perfect opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in bringing the presence and glory of heaven to earth. The living temple is intended to become a beautiful display of God’s heart through our intimate connection with Him and with one another in our life together.

There are a number of significant biblical themes that find their convergence in the building of these glorious communities on earth. Servanthood, justice, prayer, worship, revival, prophetic culture, artistry, healing, missions and more.

In the second volume of The Glory Community, Maria Mason explores the elements that constitute a community on earth that reflects the glory of heaven. Join the journey again in the second volume as we explore Jesus’ plan for his beautiful bride; a community of lovers who are filled with awe and wonder at who God is in His Majesty and radiant beauty.

Maria’s writing comes from a deep well of experience as her community, Tribe, Byron Bay, has walked out an incredible journey for the last two decades. She paints a portrait of the radiant Bride; a church that overcomes through the power of the Spirit.

Additional information

Weight 0.646 kg
Dimensions 21.00 × 1.140 × 29.700 cm